The Church is Shifting South — and That’s Good for Missions

Emily Johnson • Nov 16, 2021

In Ecclesiastes, Solomon warns us, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun” ( 1:9 ). With that said, I believe we need to pay careful attention to what God may be doing in each generation.

Today, I am thankful for the shift in the global Church from the Global North/West to the Global South .

As Christian belief declines in the North, it is thriving in places like Africa, Asia and Latin America. And these regions are increasingly sending their own missionaries.

Now, before you worry that I’m somehow saying I’m thankful for a decline in Christianity in the West, please hear me. Rising “religious nones” in the West is something we should pay attention to. It demands a renewed attention to our ministry methods and mission practices.

But decline in the West aside, the growth of the Church in the Global South is something for which we can be thankful. As we in the West realize how much we need our brothers and sisters in the Global South, I believe we will become a more fruitful Church . We can grow in humility by seeing what God is doing in and through His people outside the West.

Reading Scripture Through Southern Eyes

I’ve gotten to experience this as a TEAM worker in Mexico. Over the years, I’ve learned and grown through my relationships with Mexican church leaders. I need their perspectives, not just to minister in Mexico, but also to help me see what God may want to do in my home country.

As I interact with leaders who are serving the Lord in very different contexts than my home culture, I’m learning to read the Bible with different questions.

I have friends who pray the Lord’s Prayer, trusting God for their next meal in a very literal sense. I have other friends who understand God as healer on a deeper level than I previously considered — because He is the only hope of healing for them and their families.

The questions they ask about God’s power and His faithful presence in their lives are informed by their human experiences . Their questions cause me to return to Scripture with new eyes. Returning to my context, I can more readily recognize where I may place more faith in cultural systems of power and accessibility than I do in God.

A Preview of God’s Throne Room

The shift in the global Church gives us a beautiful foretaste of what we will experience one day. “Standing before the throne” will be “every nation, tribe, people and language,” worshipping our great Savior ( Rev. 7:9 ).

Regardless of where you live, you can see a glimpse of this beautiful future. Between online services and international churches, it’s easy to find a church outside your cultural comfort zone.

I encourage you to incorporate an attention to diversity into your worship practice . Meditate on the beauty of the scene in Revelation 7. Attend to the new things you learn about God in cross-cultural worship settings.

But there is much to learn beyond worship practices. We need each other’s theological perspectives as well.

“Listening to leaders from the Global South has reminded me that theology is more than an intellectual activity,” writes Emily Johnson (pictured speaking in center).

“Listening to leaders from the Global South has reminded me that theology is more than an intellectual activity,” writes Emily Johnson (pictured speaking in center).

Realizing My Theology Isn’t Neutral

Listening to leaders from the Global South has reminded me that theology is more than an intellectual activity. It’s meant to inform how we live our lives on mission, make choices and think in God-honoring ways. Theology demands a context and actual lived lives.

In many ways, theology from the West has been regarded as “neutral.” However, Western thought is not devoid of context. Like any faithful theology, it is developed from Scripture.

Yet, the questions we ask of the Bible are still informed by our context and our experiences. This is true even as the living Word of God transforms us with truth, grace and power.

The global Church offers us in the West a chance to grow a richer and deeper theology . Considering new questions and perspectives gives us greater appreciation for the riches of Scripture. It gives us a greater possibility for faithfulness as we all adjust to rapid changes in today’s culture.

Globalization has made access to diverse perspectives easier than ever before in history. We can read widely, worship and pray across the globe. We can listen humbly, repent where needed, and grow in our faith and mission practice. Listening well also prepares us for more fruitful partnership with the global Church.

We have an opportunity right now to develop broader and deeper perspectives. For that, I’m thankful as God continues to give us the privilege of participating with Him in His mission.

By Suzanne Pearson 16 Apr, 2024
TEAM Canada provides warm welcome and trusted friendships for diaspora populations living far from their native countries. As TEAM Canada workers Peter and Ruth (names changed) drive from their home to a nearby community center, they pass numerous apartment buildings and townhouses. Most of the families who live there are immigrants. They’ve left their countries of origin due to political unrest, trauma, and other difficulties. They’ve left family, friends, homes, jobs, and personal wealth behind. They search for peace, justice for the oppressed, and rest from fear and weariness. And as they adjust to a new country and a new language, they are often very isolated from others around them. “The sad reality is most immigrants are never even invited inside a Canadian home,” says Ruth. Peter and Ruth and their team try to change that reality. For the last nine years, the team, which includes workers from partner organizations as well as volunteers, has held English classes at the community center. Three days a week, over 60 students from more than 20 countries come together to learn English as well as to fellowship together and receive practical help in assimilating to a new normal. Meeting Needs and Building Trust That practical help may come in the form of procuring furniture, clothes, or dishes for newcomers, assistance with creating a resume and finding a job, or teaching people how to navigate Canadian laws and the medical system. As these tangible needs are met, relationships are built. “We invite them into our homes for meals and games,” Ruth shares. “We take them on hiking trips, picnics, outings, and out for coffee.” This is particularly important in this type of ministry because most immigrants come to Canada from cultures that value hospitality. Conversely, Canadians do not typically prioritize hospitality and consequently many newcomers feel lonely and isolated. Inviting folks to various gatherings and outings allows the team to spend extended time hearing people’s stories, struggles, hopes, and dreams. When she speaks about building friendships, Ruth’s heart for the people she serves is evident. “Hearing their stories, it’s easy to love them, and many have become close friends,” Ruth says. “We recognize the value of steady one-on-one relationships.”
By Suzanne Pearson 19 Mar, 2024
Previously on the TEAM blog, we sat down with Justin Burkholder (pictured above at left, with TEAM's Executive Director of Communications, Aaron Catlin). Justin will become TEAM’s next International Director on July 1, 2024. Justin shared about his background, family, and the journey that led him to TEAM. Check out that interview here . Today, we pick up the conversation as Justin shares how God called him to the role of International Director, and what he sees for the next chapter in TEAM’s work in the global Church. Q: How and when did you first consider applying for the position of International Director? How did the Lord reveal Himself to you as this opportunity presented itself? A: For some time, I have been evaluating how God wants me to use the gifts He has given me. Jenny and I have had a fruitful ministry in church planting in Guatemala and would happily continue doing so as God leads. However, as God blessed my efforts in TEAM leadership, there were friends and family who expressed that I should consider using my gifts in the International Director role. I don’t believe that everything necessarily rises and falls on leadership, but I do believe that it is a core component in the body of Christ. Using the gifts God has given me is a way that I want to bless the body of Christ in TEAM, making my contribution to the global purposes of God’s mission. Jenny and I spent a lot of time praying about this and decided that I should put my name in for consideration, trusting God’s guidance. We had a tremendous amount of peace throughout the entire process and were blessed by the prayer-filled process that the board undertook. Q: This is a key role in a large and complex organization, and I’m sure this was a big decision for you and your family. What were your fears or concerns? Why did you ultimately decide to accept the position? A: You say “were” like the fears have passed! I still am quite aware of my youth and inexperience - of the responsibility and weight of this role. Mostly, I’m afraid of leading an organization like TEAM in the flesh. Many of the fears that I have faced have been fears rooted in fleshly desires and concerns. I have no desire to succeed in the world’s eyes and fail in the Kingdom of Jesus. Why did I ultimately decide to accept the position? I’m convinced that the Good News about Jesus is true. The tomb is empty, Jesus is King, and the world needs to know, because Jesus is coming back. He will put things in order. He will establish righteousness, peace, and justice for all mankind, and He has commissioned His Church to proclaim and demonstrate His rule and reign. I want to use my gifts to do whatever I can to amplify the proclamation of this message and the multiplication of His Church around the world. Q: What are your goals and vision for the future of TEAM? A: This is something that I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about. I’m certainly not ready to present a fully-shaped vision and goals for TEAM’s future without the input of other people in different contexts in TEAM. But, I will share a few things that I think are important: First, we need to model God-Dependence . I am hopeful that as leaders in TEAM, we can continue to model God-Dependence. As Hudson Taylor said years ago “…God’s work, done in God’s way, will never lack God’s supplies.” I am hopeful that we can increase our sense of faith in God, prayer, and seeking direction from the Spirit. Secondly, we must strengthen our relational fabric . Due to the changes that we have experienced by decentralizing our home office functions, and the challenges from the pandemic, we have experienced a loss of relationships. It is imperative that we intentionally prioritize the building of relationships with one another. I plan to visit our workers and staff, and I am expectant that other key leaders and staff will be doing the same. Third, we must pursue the greater presence of the global Church. The Kingdom of Jesus Christ doesn’t look like any single geopolitical, ethnic, or racial culture. If we want to truly see the Kingdom of Jesus come on earth as it is in heaven, then we as citizens of this Kingdom must learn from one another, submit to one another, and grow with one another. The missional potential of the global Church has been unleashed by God’s Spirit since Acts 1, and we have an opportunity to learn from many brothers and sisters in Christ who can help us to better model and proclaim the Kingdom of Jesus to those who have yet to believe. Lastly, we must increase our Gospel boldness . There are still many places of great spiritual blindness and spiritual brokenness around the world. The apostolic impulse of cross-cultural organizations should call us to the to the edges of where the Kingdom of Jesus is not penetrating. Whether spiritual blindness and brokenness exists because of lack of access, idolatry, injustice, or any other myriad of reasons, I prayerfully hope to see more and more TEAM workers continue to move into spaces of great Gospel need.
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