8 Ways to Serve Missionaries Coming Home

Bethany DuVal • Feb 26, 2020

When Karyn left for the mission field, she thought she’d never return. She gave up her job as a high school English teacher and planned to retire in Japan. But 19 years in, things took a turn.

Personal matters brought Karyn back to the U.S. By then, her teacher’s certificate had expired. She didn’t have money for a new certification. And the entire process of finding a job had moved from newspaper ads to online job boards.

It was a crushing experience — but a familiar one to many returning missionaries.

Ask missionaries about coming home, and they may describe the process as traumatic, painful or even “worse than going overseas.”

Those responses can be confusing to non-missionaries. But they make sense when you consider what reentry involves:

  • You learned to live life in a foreign culture. It’s become second nature in many ways. But now everyone expects you to naturally fall back into your home culture’s rhythms.
  • Everyone’s excited for you to be back home, while you’re grieving the loss of friends, a church family and a culture you love.
  • Relationships and people have changed over the years, and so have you.

Now add on the stress of finding a job , supporting a family, walking your kids through reverse culture shock , finding a home and more. It’s a wonder returning missionaries cope as well as they do!

The good news is that churches, family and friends can all reduce the pain of coming home. And there are eight key places to get started.

1. Make Sure Missionaries Coming Home . . . Have a Home

Yes, we’re starting with a big one. There are easier steps on their way, but you can’t really begin on the other things if your missionary doesn’t have a place to sleep at night.

In an ideal world, every congregation would have a spare rental home or mother-in-law suite they could open to returnees. But there are also many other options.

  • Recruit recent empty nesters as hosts. “Recent” is the key word here. You’re looking for couples whose kids have left, but who also haven’t downsized yet. They have spare bedrooms and bathrooms to accommodate a missionary or an entire family. This may be a stretching experience for the hosts, but it’s a great way to give to the Lord, without paying a cent.
  • Look into local retreat centers. Many retreat centers have cottages or other accommodations that can house a family. And if they’re a Christian retreat center, they may be willing to offer a deal for missionaries who are coming home. In fact, here’s a state-by-state list of centers that cater to Christian ministry workers.
  • Talk with other churches and local missions agencies. Put out the word that you have missionaries coming home, who need a place to stay. You never know what doors God will open.
  • Help returnees look at apartments. If a returning missionary already has a job lined up, they may be able to start renting a place right away. While they’re still abroad, offer to tour apartments , take photos and ask questions.

Once you find a place for your returnees, make sure to fill their cabinets with food, toiletries and whatever other basics they might need.

Filling these very basic needs will lay a foundation of success for your returning missionary friends. And in a time of turmoil and change, it will make clear to them how much your church truly loves them.

2. Teach Them the Basics Again

A lot can change in five, 10 or 30 years. You may think your missionary is up to speed because they return on home assignment every few years. But a yearlong visit to raise support isn’t the same as setting up a life.

Dr. Dottie Schulz at Mission Resource Network says, “ We assume that they understand everything, when they don’t remember how to get a driver’s license or how to sign up for health insurance or how to rent a house or how to get a job. They’re like foreigners coming in many times.

A woman crosses the street in Philadelphia

Returning missionaries often need help navigating basic elements of American life. Think through how things have changed since they left home, and be willing to be their guide.

Even if they do remember how they did things when they left, things are likely different now.

Which things have been automated since they left? What new laws have been passed (consider traffic, taxes, healthcare, etc.)? How many things are now easier to do on the computer?

Get a group together to work through these questions. Make a list. Then make a plan for how you’ll get returning missionaries up to speed. That might mean writing a little guide. Or it may mean offering to go with them on these beginner tasks. Ask your missionary friend what would be most helpful to them.

3. Listen to Their Stories and Struggles

Hopefully, your returning missionaries will feel comfortable sharing their hearts with you. Most Christians would say this is exactly what they want.

But we often send a different message.

“We’re very friendly people,” Schulz says, “but we don’t listen. … [People] will say things to them like, ‘You’ve talked enough about Nigeria. You’re in America now.’”

But for the missionary coming home, life abroad isn’t an exotic story they tell. It’s life.

It’s people they miss and still pray for. It’s food they crave. It’s the view from their kitchen window. It’s missed opportunities and grand victories. We can’t expect returnees to stuff years of their lives in a box once we lose interest.

“We were more of a mess at 12 months than right after [we returned],” says Shonna Ingram, a former missionary to Tanzania.

Take time to listen. Even better, ask returned missionaries about their host country. Ask them about their struggles now. Keep asking, even when you think you’ve asked long enough. You may also consider paying for counseling so the missionary can process things with a professional.

When former TEAM missionary Aaron returned from the Middle East , it was sudden and unexpected. But a supporter told Aaron they could always talk about it — and he meant it.

“I really leaned on him a lot for the first six months,” Aaron says. “We talked on the phone a lot, he gave me a book that I read as a daily devotional. … That kind of connection with brothers who will keep pointing me to Christ, or sisters, is really important.”

4. Connect Returnees with Professionals in Their Desired Fields

One of the major challenges returning missionaries face is finding a job. Even if a missionary uses their professional skills on the field, they may use them on a smaller scale or for purposes that secular employers won’t understand.

In these cases, a strong professional network becomes a major asset. That’s where you come in.

As missionaries prepare to come home, ask them what jobs they’re interested in. It’s likely that someone in your church either works in that field or has connections with someone who does . Find out who these people are and ask them if you can connect them with your returning friend.

These people don’t have to give the returning missionary a job. But they can help by explaining how the field has changed and what employers are looking for. And they may know about openings in the area.

“Have a sense of who in your congregation has what backgrounds, who would be willing to go to coffee with people and talk about what it’s like,” says Ali Llewellyn, a missionary field trainer and business consultant.

5. Pay for Career Coaching or Continued Education

Peter served in missionary aviation with Wycliffe Bible Translators. When he returned from the mission field, he thought he would easily find a job.

What he wasn’t prepared for was an influx of military personnel returning to the country at the same time. Peter’s experience flying planes in the jungle couldn’t compete with people who had flown large planes for the military. And Peter struggled with the unwritten rules of job hunting.

A man sits in higher education classes

Missionaries learn many transferrable skills on the mission field, but continued education and certification can give them credibility in the eyes of skeptical employers.

Thankfully, a supporter paid for several sessions with a career coach. The coach helped Peter figure out how to market his experience and skills to employers. Peter also began taking business classes at community college so he could earn a certification in project management.

Through coaching and affordable education, Peter found a new job in nine months.

Before your missionary comes home, consider paying for a career coaching session. And then ask them about what training they believe would be useful in finding a job.

If you can’t pay for community college classes, consider other ways you could help make continued education possible. Babysit the kids while Mom and Dad go to night classes. Set up a rotation of people to bring some weeknight dinners. Pray for them when they have tests or hard assignments coming up.

6. Provide Transportation

No, this doesn’t have to mean buying a car. But missionaries coming home do need transportation if they’re going to interview for jobs, take kids to school, buy groceries, come to church — you get the idea.

Many missionaries will have savings to buy a used car right away. But if they don’t, or if it takes time to find the right vehicle, there are a couple ways you can help.

  • Talk with your congregation and see if anyone has a car they can give up for a time . This could mean a family sacrificially lends their second car. But it could also mean a shut-in shares the car they aren’t using anyway. Or perhaps someone delays selling their old car.
  • If buying a car or sharing a car isn’t possible, consider setting up a carpooling schedule . Does anyone have kids going to the same school? Does anyone in your congregation have a schedule that would let them drive the returning missionary to job interviews? Once they’ve found a job, does anyone work in the same area?

No matter how you approach it, providing transportation requires sacrifice. But it is a vital way you can show love to your returning missionary.

7. Help Missionaries Coming Home Find Their Identity in Christ

It’s easy to assume that missionaries will do this better than anyone. The truth is, finding your identity in Christ can be one of the hardest struggles for a returning missionary.

“It’s worse than going overseas. … You know your purpose of why you’re going over there. Coming back, you don’t always know your purpose,” says Shonna Ingram, a career consultant and former missionary for Pioneer Bible Translators.

Missionaries spend months or even years raising support. They cast a vision to reach the lost. And then they spend every working day spreading the Gospel as their day jobs. Of course there are struggles , but those add to the passion and meaning of their work. And many missionaries expect this to be their reality for the rest of their working lives.

Now, they aren’t just looking for the right job or neighborhood to live in — they’re also wondering if their life will ever be as meaningful as it was on the mission field.

A professional counselor is a great asset in helping returned missionaries explore their grief. If your church doesn’t have its own counseling services, talk with outside Christian counselors to see who might be a good fit. Some counselors may also be willing to offer you a discount.

Give returning missionaries space to express their fears and loss of identity. Gently remind them that the God who brought them abroad will still walk with them here. And share from your own experience of centering yourself on Christ in the midst of ordinary life. You have great wisdom and encouragement to share.

8. Give Them Time

If it isn’t clear by now, adjusting to civilian life takes time. And time is one of the greatest gifts you can give returning missionaries.

Many churches provide three months of support after a missionary comes home. But experts like Dr. Schulz say that’s usually not enough time to find a job and settle into a new life.

“[At] three months, you’re still dizzy from just re-entry, trying to figure things out. … So yeah, they’re panicky,” Schulz says.

Schulz recommends that churches continue support for at least a year after missionaries come home — and other experts recommend up to 18 months.

That may seem like a lot, but remember that this support is already in your budget. And in a study on returning Church of Christ missionaries , Dr. Anthony Parker showed that “missionaries who saw their churches as financially supportive were also more likely to perceive them as being spiritually and emotionally supportive, felt less pressure to quickly find employment, and tended to be more fulfilled in their present careers.”

Post-field support also gives missionaries more time to recover from physical problems that may have brought them home (such as adrenal fatigue). And it gives them space to process what they left behind.

Ultimately, supporting missionaries through reentry is part of the cost of sending them out in the first place.

Missionaries willingly sacrifice their careers, homes, communities, culture and much more. Then they willingly go through the humiliation, trauma, and hardship of rediscovering all those things.

If we truly want to support them, we ought to walk with them through their entire journey — not just the exciting parts. And as aspiring missionaries watch returnees thrive, they’ll feel confident going abroad, knowing their churches will care for them from beginning to end.

By Emily Sheddan 18 Jul, 2024
TEAM worker Luke Standridge and his fellow musicians use music to build connections to faith in Japan. In music terms, dissonance creates movement or even suspense in a song. It invites tension. That tension is what helps grab our ear’s attention and the interchanging of these notes with pleasant melodious parts is what makes music such a delight. In a similar way, God is using music to grab people’s attention and catalyze Gospel impact in the largely unreached nation of Japan. TEAM Global Worker, Luke Standridge moved to Japan in 2019 with no clear direction on how he was going to use his passion for composing music while doing ministry. However, after Luke got involved with a local church and began developing deep friendships, the Lord opened unimaginable doors for Luke that in time, coordinating his creative skills with sharing the Word. “People Need to Come to Japan!” Growing up as one of ten kids in a family that was heavily involved in ministry and missions, Luke never considered that it would one day be a part of his own journey. In 2016, via a Japanese language learning class in Indiana, Luke and his brother had the opportunity to travel to Japan. Hearing, learning, and using the language in the context of Japanese culture was the goal. While it was Luke’s first international trip – even his first trip on a plane - it was also his first time hearing about the spiritual condition of the Japanese people. “And just through that, God did a huge 180 change on my heart,” says Luke. “More people should come here as global workers. People need to come to Japan!” The call God was laying on Luke’s heart is echoed when looking at the spiritual landscape of Japan. The nation is home to the second largest unreached people group in the world. It is one of the most difficult places for the Gospel to take hold and grow. Japan is also home to a deep and rich culture that prizes creative arts from pottery to ink to music to anime – a fact that would help Luke find his niche in life and ministry. God’s Guiding Hand In the short three-month timespan of that first trip, Luke found that opportunities came naturally to share about life, and people’s curiosity for Christianity grew. “I left Japan knowing I just had to come back,” Luke shares. “Even if I didn’t get back to the same area, I knew Japan was where God wanted me to be.” The Lord is good all the time and all the time the Lord is good. His plans do not fail. Luke returned to Japan in 2019, and less than a week after arriving, he was put in touch with a renowned composer in Japan. The composer saw some of Luke’s music and invited him to help write the music for a beloved in-country animated show. But God wasn’t finished yet! Fast forward a year, and more connections and opportunities allowed Luke to help with music for Pokémon - a franchise that has brand recognition around the world and was being developed into a TV series in Japan. Luke recalls how the Lord began using these connections in the production world to open doors for Gospel conversations. One night while having dinner in downtown Tokyo with famous artists and composers from all around the country, Luke was asked about his ministry-focused visa. This was a rare opportunity in a setting with people otherwise uninterested in Christianity. Luke shares, “The whole time I could see God’s hand in guiding the entire thing.”
By Lorena de la Rosa and Suzanne Pearson 13 Jun, 2024
Through creative arts and other forms of innovative outreach, “The Neighborhood” is creating connections to the Gospel and the love of Jesus. CONNECTION. It’s a common word with powerful implications. Dictionary.com defines connection as a joining or linking together; a relationship between people or objects that unites or binds them together. God has created each of us with a deep need for connection with Him as well as connection with others. Hebrews 10:24-25 speaks to this, as the writer exhorts, “Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” This God-given need for connection lies at the heart of a creative and innovative ministry in Japan known as “The Neighborhood.” TEAM Japan global worker, Kelly and her family created The Neighborhood as a place where connections are formed through creative arts, educational opportunities, and simply just providing a space for people to be together. A Family Calling The journey to the creation of The Neighborhood began over 5,000 miles away from Tokyo, in California where Kelly, her husband Jeff, and their five children were living. The kids were the first to sense God’s calling to missions, and asked why their family wasn’t serving in this way. How Kelly and her family came to TEAM is a God-story in and of itself. “God placed a TEAM Japan worker at our lunch table the same week that the kids posed that question to us,” Kelly recalls. “We had never heard of TEAM and so we thought, ‘let’s check this out.’ After that, God just kept confirming that we were supposed to be here.” After a period of fundraising and with much excitement, the family of seven moved to Japan in 2014. For the first five years, Kelly and Jeff served as a part of other TEAM ministry initiatives, but they began to sense a stirring for something new. Creating The Neighborhood Kelly and her family truly have a deep gift for hospitality, and regularly opened up their home to others they met in Tokyo. They saw a great need for people to have a place to gather and connect, and they wondered what doors the Lord might be opening for them to meet that need. “About a year before we were to return the States on home assignment, we were just really thinking about our future in Japan,” Kelly says. “We saw a need for people to have a ‘third place’ – a place that’s not home and it’s not work. They didn’t have a church community or any other place where they could meet people and just connect.” Kelly goes on to explain that in Japan, the culture is such that people don’t generally invite each other into their homes, but as her family did so, people embraced that opportunity. “This idea formed in all of our hearts of a student ministry center – a place where we can create community and learning,” says Kelly. “It was born out of what we were already doing in our home, but seeing how we could expand it and have better space.” God’s Provision What happened next is a true testament to God’s provision. Kelly, Jeff, and the kids returned to the States and began sharing their vision for The Neighborhood with their supporters and churches who responded generously. Upon returning to Japan, the search was on for the right space. “We had a Christian realtor that we told our dream to, and he just went looking for it,” Kelly recalls. When the realtor found a 5-story apartment building, he said, “It’s kind of out of your budget but it has what you need and want.” The Lord provided the funds and the family moved into the space in November 2019. They now occupy all but the ground floor, with living space for their family as well as classrooms, areas to study or hang out, and guest rooms for exchange students or others who need a place to stay overnight. The first floor is occupied by a pizza shop – a welcome amenity for the many groups and students who visit The Neighborhood. “It’s very convenient!” Kelly says with a laugh. The Neighborhood began to see lots of activity right away until the pandemic hit in early 2020. During the height of the quarantine, Kelly and Jeff used the time to redecorate the space and plant gardens outside the building. Then as the restrictions eased, they invited individual students or families over for meals and fellowship. It wasn’t until March 2023 that The Neighborhood was able to fully open again as intended. Kelly shares that despite the setbacks of COVID, the Lord continued to provide the funds to pay the rent.
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