Church Planting and Evangelism Ministries
Why is TEAM so passionate about church ministry? Because every other ministry begins and ends with the local church. The church disciples believers so they can make more disciples. The church cares for its members so they have the strength to minister to others. And when new people join the family of God, the church gives them a foundation to faithfully follow Christ. As a church ministry missionary, you’ll get to play a vital role in every Gospel outreach in the community. A healthy church will have multiple shepherds to feed the flock. Some might preach from the pulpit, but others will lead one-on-one discipleship. Some will lead women’s and men’s ministries. Some guide the congregation in worship. Some will equip believers for evangelism. The list goes on!
What We’re Looking For:
- Recognizes importance of multiplying disciples
- Currently serving the church in a leadership capacity
- Dependent on Prayer because God is enough
- Servant-hearted and exhibits humility
- Gospel Sharing is a lifestyle