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A doctor looks at a chest x-ray next to the patient in bed.

Medical Ministries

Are you a medical professional interested in learning how you can use your skillset and giftings in an overseas missions capacity? TEAM has medical opportunities in various areas of the world that may be the perfect fit. From bustling hospitals in the Middle East to public healthcare opportunities in rural African villages, our global workers use their medical backgrounds in a variety of ways to share the love of Christ and build up the local church. It’s TEAM’s desire to send disciples who make disciples, and with over 130 years of sending experience, we have been blessed to send many physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals out into the harvest. 

What We’re Looking For: 

  • Appropriate medical credentials, licensure, and experience 
  • Passionate heart to serve the hurting, needy, and marginalized through medicine 
  • Desire to lead others towards the truth of the gospel through meeting physical needs 
  • Displays deep compassion for the least of these 
  • Commitment to walk alongside national colleagues and embrace cultural differences
  • Details

  • Location

    Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Middle East

  • Durations

    Long-Term (2+ yrs), Mid-Term (1-2 yrs), Short-Term (<1 yr)

  • Ministry Type


  • Looking for other options?

    Please connect with a missions coach today!

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What You Should Know Before You Join

Here are some things you might want to know before you take the next step.

Connect with a Missions Coach

A girl laughs with a group of young girls.
Once we understand, then we can love. Once we love, then we can serve.
- A Short-Term Worker
A man riding on a camel in the desert.
Truly, every moment of missions and ministry is a call back to Jesus at the well, saying, "Set down your false nourishment, and come drink what I have prepared."
- A Short-Term Worker

Ways you Can Impact the Kingdom Through TEAM

  • Go With TEAM

    Obey God's call to make disciples among the nations by joining a community united by and committed to sending disciples who make disciples around the world.

    See Opportunities
  • Give to TEAM

    Invest in something that cannot be shaken. Partner with TEAM to steward your resources in a way that leverages them to make eternal impact by sending global workers to the places to proclaim the rule and reign of Jesus Christ.

    ways to give
  • Learn about TEAM

    God has gifted TEAM with more than 130 years of continuous ministry around the world. There is more to be done. Learn how to pray, to mobilize and why involvement in missions is an indispensable piece of a healthy and obedient life of discipleship to Jesus Christ.

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